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I'm Kinda A Big Dill : A Pickle Story

Print Recipe
Course Pickled & Preserved
Keyword Dill, Garlic, Pickles, spicy
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 20 minutes
Servings 8 750ml Jars


  • 3 lbs Pickling Cucumbers
  • 1 bunch Fresh Dill
  • 8 cups Water
  • 4 cups 5% Standard Vinegar
  • 3/4 cup Pickling Salt
  • 3 Bay Leaves (Crushed)
  • 1 pinch Allspice
  • 3 tbsp Peppercorns
  • 3 tbsp Corriander Seeds
  • 4-8 Garlic cloves / Jar
  • 1 Small Red Chili / Jar


Prep Work

  • Get a nice big pot, ideally a canning pot (like pictured), and fill it up with fresh water. Bring that to a boil. It helps to keep the lid on to speed this up, but expect to wait a good 20 minutes until you get a solid rolling boil if you have a stove as weak as mine.
  • Pull your cucumbers out, wash them, then leave in cold water to soak.
  • Take your bunch of FRESH dill, and give it a good wash. Set aside. Use fresh dill, or I will hunt you down and pour the dried dill flakes down your throat until you vomit.
  • Peel at least 4 garlic cloves per jar you'll be making. I'd suggest more like 8 cloves per jar. Cut off any imperfections and lightly crush each clove. Set aside.

Make The Brine

  • Pour 8 cups of tap water, 4 cups of 5% vinegar (standard store vinegar), 3/4 a cup of pickling salt (use coarse sea salt as an alternative - DON'T use table salt unless absolutely needed), 3 bay leaves crushed up, 3tbsp whole peppercorns, 3tbsp of coriander seed, and a pinch of allspice into a decent pot.
  • Bring this to a boil, then turn the heat off and leave it to cool.

Sterilize The Jars

  • Get your jars, give them a quick rinse, then dunk them into the boiling water, ensuring the water completely covers the jars. Be sure to add the jar rings, and lids to be sterilized! You'll want them to be in BOILING water for no less than 15 minutes.
  • Once completed, remove jars carefully with tongs, pouring approximately 1/2 the jar back into the pot, and 1/2 the jar into the sink.

Put It Together

  • Grab a handful of cucumbers, cut the top off where the stem attaches, and cut the larger ones into spears (or halves) as you see fit.
  • Put half of the slightly crushed garlic (2-4 cloves) into the bottom of the jar, pack about 1/2 way up the jar with pickles, add some additional garlic, pack in a few sprigs of dill, and one small chili pepper. Proceed to pack the rest of the jar with cucumbers, leaving space at the top.
  • Pour or ladle in your brie, being sure to add at least a few coriander seeds, and peppercorns, Then, screw on your lid hand tight, yet firm.
  • Place the sealed jars back in the boiling water, and boil for about 10 minutes. When you add your jars, the water will likely stop boiling for a short time. Ensure you start your timer as the water comes back up to a boil.
  • Remove jars using a specialized canning tool,, and place on a wood cutting board (or similar) to cool for no less than 12 hours. Once cool, store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight.
  • Pickles should be good for up to 1 year on the shelf, and 2 months in the fridge once opened, however I'd typically suggest to try and eat them within a month.