Tag: Privacy

Tesla Is Mass Surveillance

I know this may sound like a conspiracy theory to some, but if you understand cybersecurity, this may be one of those “oh gosh” moments as you realize the implications possible. I’m effectively going to lay out my argument that you should not own a Tesla vehicle, you should not interact with Tesla vehicle, and frankly, you shouldn’t have a Tesla vehicle within 1000′ of you if at all possible. In my opinion, this isn’t just a matter of your own personal safety and privacy, but that of your country, mine being Canada – a country that is currently under threat of our sovereignty being taken from us by the likes of Donald Trump, and Elon Musk.

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DNA Testing Kits & Consent

For Christmas in 2020 I was given an Ancestry DNA kit from my mother. It was a very thoughtful gift from a parent who has always given me very thoughtful gifts my entire life. However, almost all of my mother’s digital life – from her home automation, to the last 3 laptops she’s owned, to her on-site NAS, to most things she owns that have a plug & screen are things I’ve given to her. I’m her tech-wizz son so it’s pretty suiting and I enjoy it. Unsurprisingly she’s not exactly “up-and-up” on technology – however she’s pretty damn keen on a lot of other things. She’s a smart cookie – just not with tech.

It’s for that reason I thanked her for the really thoughtful gift but explained that I wouldn’t be willing to use it for privacy reasons. She seemed perplexed as there’s a lot of mystery surrounding my father’s side of the family (no, he didn’t run off in the middle of the night to get a pack of smokes and never return). There’s basically nothing known about anyone prior to my grandfather, and there’s also another much more relevant question that pertains to me a lot closer which I’ll (very likely) never know the answer to. She was giving me the gift of curing curiosity. Am I curious – absolutely! But, I’m not willing to pay the price of admission.

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