I know this may sound like a conspiracy theory to some, but if you understand cybersecurity, this may be one of those “oh gosh” moments as you realize the implications possible. I’m effectively going to lay out my argument that you should not own a Tesla vehicle, you should not interact with Tesla vehicle, and frankly, you shouldn’t have a Tesla vehicle within 1000′ of you if at all possible. In my opinion, this isn’t just a matter of your own personal safety and privacy, but that of your country, mine being Canada – a country that is currently under threat of our sovereignty being taken from us by the likes of Donald Trump, and Elon Musk.
Tesla vehicles are largely considered some of the most technologically forward cars on the market today. They are equipped with 8 cameras, and 2 microphones, always on, always listening – regardless of what settings you enable or disable. Onboard they have the ability to record audio, video, and do some pretty wild stuff. With the cameras alone, they can easily do object recognition, read road signs, and extrapolate considerable information from their cameras angle of view, which is effectively in every direction except under the vehicle, being advertised as “360 degrees of vision at up to 250 meters of range”. That’s a very large area.
You should also know that Tesla has been –caught– many times accessing the video from people’s cars without them even knowing it – sometimes even distributing that video, and as you likely can guess, involve “private” moments breaking dozens of privacy laws in one fall swoop. Source 1, Source 2
It makes you wonder what else has happened that hasn’t been caught. This means you have 8 cameras and 2 microphones recording every second, of every day, remotely accessible by employees at Tesla, without your knowledge nor consent, whenever they wish. Always recording, always available.
It should also be noted that Tesla vehicles have the ability to start, drive, and move on their own, all controlled from their software which the company has access to engage at any time they wish.
And you don’t have the slightest clue. It also sets a VERY dangerous precedent, one which I’ll round back to shortly.
I’ll leave out all of his heinous behavior and actions up until the past 6 months, which still leaves us with more than enough horrifically terrible things he’s said and done, enough that a thesis paper could be written on just these past 6 months.
Musk, as many know is deeply entrenched in the current US Administration, the same one which has repeatedly threated to invade Canada and turn us into “The 51st State”. What the USA has already done on a global state in just one month is something that will be written about in history books and studied for centuries to come as they tear down and destroy well over 100 years of diplomacy with their closest allies.
The Canadian citizens have began signing an official petition to the Canadian government to revoke Elon Musk’s citizenship. It currently as of writing this post amassed over 361,000 signatures.
What Musk has done to citizens of the United States of America is unfathomable. He was personally gained access to many critical and highly sensitive government records with no proper clearance or legal authorization.
Beyond this, Elon and Tesla have invaded the privacy of hundreds, if not thousands of it’s customers. You may realize I never said “owners”, as you don’t actually own the car you purchased – you simply have some rights to it – until you don’t. The stipulations around being able to resell your vehicle largely make it impossible to do so, especially with the new “Cyber Truck”.
Privacy concerns aside, Tesla vehicles are effectively death traps in my opinion. They have a fatal accident rate at 5.6 per billion miles driven, TWICE the national average. They also have the highest accident rate among all auto manufacturers. There’s been many reports of Tesla vehicles catching fire, trapping passengers inside, and burning them to death. In October 2024 it happened in Toronto killing 4 people, in July 2021 in Haverford, PA the driver narrowly escaped, as did the driver in Vancouver in May 2022. There’s dozens more cases found with a simply Google search.
Beyond the personal implications of all these above mentioned things, considering the current state of the USA and it’s threats towards Canada and other countries, there is a very real and tangible possibility that Tesla may wish to gather any and all data from these vehicles which are carpet bombed across these countries for intelligence.
Around the clock video footage of up to 250m, and audio, never stopping. Once this is obtained it can be run through any sorts of artificial intelligence to scrub through years of video & audio to extract exact information, or even just an “overview” or “summary”. The possibilities of AI are nearly endless, but to scratch the surface, facial recognition, voice recognition, log activities of exact individuals and report on those actions. The list truly goes on, and really once they have the data, they can extract nearly anything they wish from that. The possibilities are incredibly scary.
Now, imagine these vehicles are owned by Canadian politicians, military personnel, government workers, or people within sensitive and/or highly regulated industries. They can now extract information about their comings and goings, locations, who they were with, for how long, and also record private conversations. Anything that goes through that car’s onboard system can easily be recorded and logged such as navigation information, what music was being listened to, text messages (with it’s contents), calling history (with whom, and for how long), and nearly anything else on your phone. Yes, it’s scraping this information on you already, and they can see it as soon as your phone connects to the car.
Now imagine if that car is parked in a “secure” or “classified” place. Say, a government building or military base. Let’s just say the car is parked in an underground bunker 300′ below the earth with no cellular signal. That’s fine, because the car can simply record anything it wants, then connect back with the company who can extract that data from it as soon as it reaches a cellular signal.
So, what data is being taken? How much? And for how far back? What are they doing with that data? What have they already done with that data? We simply don’t know, and they won’t tell us.
Outside of the safety issues, outside of the fact you’re supporting and funding a proud Nazi (and the richest man in the world), the privacy concerns are beyond nothing that we have ever seen before in an automobile.
Do you consent to having your every move tracked? Your voice being recorded? Your face being analyzed? Your motion being tracked? All of this information being correlated to your identity? And, I’m not talking about if you own one of these vehicles, I’m talking about if you walk past one on the street. If you enter one as your Uber ride, or if your neighbour owns one and it’s parked in their driveway. Every movement in and out of your own house is now being recorded, accessible to a foreign adversary, and they can extract any bit of data they want from that, whenever they want, and they’ll do with that what they please – all against your knowledge, and certainly your consent.
Do you feel safe being within 1000′ of a Tesla now?
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